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alle die mich mögen x33 Anmeldedatum : 04.03.08
Thema: 100 things u'll never see deidara do So Jan 25, 2009 3:24 pm
1. Stop saying "un" after every sentence 2.Stop saying "yeah" after every sentence 3. Stop saying "humph" after every sentence 4. Hand out fliers for the "Stop the Bombers" organization 5. swim naked in a fountain 6. Never say "art is a bang" 7. stop fighting with Sasori and tell him he loves him 8. Make his hands kiss random objects 9. Make a beautiful painting of a feild and show Garaa 10. Become fast friends with Choji 11. Have a crush on Zetsu 12. Support sandcest with every fiber of his being 13. look ugly 14. Become Prom queen with Neji as king 15. Rub Itachi's belly for good luck 16. Walk around in his all together so that people will not suspect him to be a member of the Akatsuki 17. Sing "I need a mericle, I gatta be, your girl. Give me a chance to see that you were made for me. 18. Organize the first anual Akatsuki orgy 19. take his metal eye thing off 20. Hank knit Lee a pink sweater 21. Merry a fan-girl -_- 22. Finally lose it and kill Tobi just to shit him up 23. Not show up in Shippuden episode 5 24. Do the troll dance 25. get chased by a petiphile seal 26.Call Aragorn 'Stew' because that is we reminds him of 27. refer to himself as 'This one' 28. Complane about his voise actor 29. make his hand kiss you 30. Sing 99 botles of bear on the wall while he's really drinking oreng juise 31. Invent the chocolate bagle 32. Give his teacher a chocolate bagle 34. Join the crew of the Usurper 35. Ask Jeffrey "what the h311 is that hing on your face 36. Tell Orochimaru that his style in clothing sucks ass 37. think this is remotly funny 38. Give a group hug to the Akatsuki and yell "THESE ARE SUCH WOUNDERFUL, PURE, modest,loving, modest PEOPLE!!!!!!!! 39. Skreech "Sir Leeeeedeeerrrrr!! TOBY HIT MEEEEE!!" 40. admit his hydrophobia 41. Feed his hands Ramen one at a time 42. steal a cookie from the cookie jar and blame kisame 43. Ask Garaa if the rumers about him being the sand man are true 44. Tell Itach what a bad person he is 45. Break it to kisame that Itachi doesn't like him in that manner 46. Check to make sure that the fan-girls are wrong and that he is a man 47. Eat jallapenos for breakfast 48. Get with Kisame at the end of the ceres 49. Go to heaven 50. Turn bright red and give Sakura a flower 51. Get with every single character in the ceres by the time it ends 52. Dress as a slutty french maid just to get a reaction 53. Become a fan-girl in disguise 54. Have and anual pocker night at the Akatsuki lair 55. Get dropped into open space by Vogons 56. Play Eliza in "My Fair Lady" 57. Get the main role in Broke Back Mountain 58. Fight captian hook on his pirate ship 59. Kill the white Bitch... I mean witch of Narnia 60. Start supporting Sasunaru because everyone else is doing it 61. Go to a Josh Grobin consert for his B-day 62. Eat nothing but pizza for a whole week 63. Go to Ino's slumber party without an invite 64. Take a bubble bath with lavender flavored bubbles 65. try to not breath for a whole minute 66. Burp loudly and hollar "COMPIMENTS TO THE CHEF!!!" 67. Stop making birds and spiders oput of clay and startmaking fish and lady bugs instead 68. Write one of these about Sai because he's hot 69. Say "Did you like see what he was wearing? It was like... EeWw 70. Do the Macorena on the table 71. Put gloves on to hide his hand mouths 72. Answer the ultimate question about life, the universe and everything 73. Like Keiko 74. Have a lengthy conversation with Akamaru about instant jello 75. Pop bubble gum all over his face 76. Aply lip stick to his face and hand mouths 77. See all three extended adition LOTR movies in one night and cry on Hinata 78. Use Naruto's Jaket as a hankerchief 79. Go to the anime convention as Shikamaru and pull it off 80. Win an olipic metal for flying a clay bird the fastest 81. Wear a lether minie skirt and a pink furr jaken in a cat house 82. Read "Make out peredice" 83. Clean the trash on the side of the freeway 84. Go to a chick flick with Tenten 85. Take viagra 86. Have no fan girls 87. Scream "Tobi is my personal Ho!!! 88. Not enjoy the song "I'm Dinomite" 89. wear a sighn that says "will glomp for a dollar" 90. Have the E-mail adress Deidei_kun30@Akatsuki.org 91. Get a dragon egg to hatch for him 92. Hate Kaede 93. Say "I DO BELIEVE IN FAIRIES 94. Make his code name Supercalafragulisticexpialidoshus 95. Cry because he is insecure about his image 96. Have a baby 97. Use a cheasei pick up line on Mizuki 98. Watch a discovery chanel exclusive about flying sawsers 99. Jump out of of Yuura's closet and yell BOO 100. Tell me I am a sexy beast -_-